Expressing One’s Individuality 自我的展现
Expressing One’s Individuality Arnold Bennett A most curious and useful thing to realize is that one never knows the impression one is creating on other people. One may ...
当你想表达'这是事情的真相'时,你首先会想到用什么词呢?Truth? Inside information?都不地道,是lowdown! 'Lowdown'这个词通常用来指'事情的真相'或外界不知道的'内幕消息',它有时会...
《死侍2》经典台词(中英双语对照)Deadpool 2
What‘s your superpower? 你的超能力是什么? Courage. 勇气。 Listen to the pain. It‘s both history teacher and fortune teller. Pain teaches us who we are. 倾听你的痛苦。痛苦是历史...
《V字仇杀队》经典台词(中英双语对照 )V for Vendetta
There is no certainty, only opportunity. 没有一定会怎样,只有可能会怎样。 That with devotions visage and pious action. we do sugar over the devil himself. 人们往往用至诚的外表和虔...
《复仇者联盟4》经典台词(中英双语对照 )Avengers: Endgame
Whatever it takes! 不计代价,义无反顾! I love you three thousand. 我爱你三千遍。 Thanos:“I am inevitable。” 萨诺斯:“我就是天命。” Tony:“I am Iron man.” 托尼:“我是…...
别只会“please eat“ 告诉你一些实用的美食英语
两个陌生的人,初次见面聊什么好呢? 聊美食啊,美食是无国界的!聊美食让人感到轻松、惬意,无需太过刻意。 如果你遇到外国人,聊起美食,难道你只会说please eat,请吃!接着傻笑一番~ ...
英语学习难免流于枯燥,那同学们知道初中英语学习要怎么学,有什么方法?不清楚的小伙伴看过来。下面是小编整理的史上最全初中英语学习方法一览,希望能帮助到大家! 初中英语三大学习方...
Believe it or not!信不信由你! Believe it or not, the word 'democracy' never appears in the Constitution. 信不信由你,“民主”这个词汇从未在我们的宪法中出现过。
1. "I miss you." "If conversation was the lyrics, laughter was the music, making time spent together a melody that could be replayed over and over without getting ...