用worth its weight in gold表达“非常有价值”

我们用短语 worth its weight in gold 来形容一个非常有价值的或有用的东西。

  • Mark‘s travel advice about visiting Venice really was worth its weight in gold. He recommended some fabulous restaurants and a brilliant cheap hotel.
  • Jill, you‘re a star. Thanks for all your help. You‘re worth your weight in gold!

值得注意的是,“All that glitters is not gold”这个谚语的意思是闪光的未必都是金子。

  • Listen, Frankie. All that glitters is not gold. I know you think a job in fashion will be glamorous and fun, full of exciting parties and photo shoots; but there will also be a lot of competition and you will have to work really hard to succeed.
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Your dream is like a flower. if you water it patiently.,the flower will come out beautifully