- 同学们首先要理解明白每个谚语例句的深刻含义;
- 有些单词给了几个例句,供同学们选择学习,但是注意单词意义可能不同;
- 有些单词并非本单元的含义,目的是告诉大家记单词时要注意一词多义,因为考试时不一定就是教材单元的意思,这也是单词难记的原因之一;
- 有些单词并非本单元的词性,目的是告诉大家记单词时要注意一个单词有多种词性,不同语境含义不同,这也是单词难记的原因之一;
- 有些单词我们没有给出谚语例句,就是让同学们自己去查找补全,这样寻找的过程可能记忆效果会更好;
- 同学们一定要注意谚语的语言形式比较简洁特殊,特别是省略形式比较多;
- 同学们会注意到有些例句还有个别生词,没有关系,那就把它们也记住吧,这也是扩大词汇量的有效方法之一。
One rotten apple in the basket infects the whole quantity.
Victory or defeat is an ordinarything, to a general.
Victory or defeat. 不成功则成仁。
To convert defeat intovictory. 转败为胜。
Do not attend to two things ata time. 一心不能二用。
No herb will cure love. 无药能治相思病。
Sleep is the best cure for waking troubles. 睡眠解千愁。
Care is no cure. 忧愁无药可医。
Prevention is better than cure. 治病不如防病。
Like cures like. 以毒攻毒。
Time cures all things. 时间能医治一切。
Challenges make lifeinteresting. 挑战使生活变得有趣。
Who is in fault suspects everybody. 做贼心虚。
It is no use pumping a dry well. 徒劳无益。
He who cannot dance puts the blame on the floor.
Success is never blamed. 成功者无人挑剔。
He who blames one to his faceis a hero, but he who backbites is a coward. 当面责人是英雄,背后中伤是懦夫。
A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
Man is the soul of the universe. 人是万物之灵。