


假如你是班长,今天是你班的英语活动日,你将带领同学们骑车去Happy Park。请按照图示用英语写一篇发言稿,在入园前向同学们介绍园区设施(facilities)的位置及游园注意事项,并希望同学们遵守规则,玩得开心。

注意:1. 短文应包括要求的所有信息。

2. 发言稿的格式正确。

3. 短文应结构完整、语句通顺、句式多样。

4. 发言稿中不能出现个人和学校的真实信息。

5. 词数:100左右。


1. 定基调


时态:一般现在时 人称:以第一人称为主

2. 列提纲、写句子


3. 巧衔接

(1)在通知了英语活动日的地点后,可以使用Before entering the park, there are some specific details we must know first.来承上启下。

(2)成文时,要将“园区设施的位置”及“游园注意事项”这两个方面更好地衔接起来,可以使用表示顺序的to begin with和表示递进关系的what's more,这样文章的结构会更清楚、条理。


(4)介绍园区设施的位置时,可以使用in front of, on the left side, on the right side, stands, lies behind这些说明方位的词,使得文章成为一个有机统一体。



4. 成篇章





2. 列提纲、写句子

(1) May I have your attention, please

(2) After entering the park, we can see grassland in front of us

(3) On the left side is / stands a food store(,) where we can buy some food / On the left side is / stands a food store. We can buy some food there

(4) On the right side is / stands a toilet

(5) There is a beautiful swimming pool behind the grassland / A beautiful swimming pool lies behind the grassland

(6) We must park our bikes on each side of the gate

(7) In the park we can neither pick flowers, nor play football on the grassland

4. 成篇章

Hello, boys and girls! May I have your attention, please? Today we choose to ride to this beautiful place — Happy Park to celebrate our English Day! Before entering the park, there are some specific details we must know first.

To begin with, we need to be clear about the location of the facilities. After entering the park, we can see grassland in front of us. On the left side is a food store where we can buy some food. On the right side stands a toilet. A beautiful swimming pool lies behind the grassland, where the water is clean enough for us to swim in. What's more, we should keep the following rules in mind. First, we must park our bikes on each side of the gate. Second, in the park we can neither pick flowers, nor play football on the grassland.

That's all. Thank you for your listening and have a good day.

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