rush hour,上下班高峰 例:I don’t want to go out in the morning rush hour. 在高峰时段,你挤着地铁、公交,或坐出租车。这时,你会拿出手机听音乐、玩游戏、看电影、刷...
clock in,上班打卡 例:I called John and asked him to use my card to clock in. 很不幸,打卡的时候机器“咯噔”卡了一下,等考勤卡退出来,还是超过了1分钟。你感...
leave early,早退 例:I thought my boss was not in the office, so I left early. I was wrong. 早退是不好的行为,刚进公司要做“好孩子”才行。下班的点到了,你走...
clock out,下班打卡 例:When I want to clock out, my boss stopped me. 当你正要把考勤卡塞进考勤机的0.01秒,一个黑暗的身影出现在了公司门口。你定睛一看,是老板回来了
work overtime(动词)/ overtime work(名词),加班 例:I work overtime every day. 例:Thank you for your overtime work, but you need to do more. 好吧,刚进新公司,一...
overtime pay,加班费 例:My boss gave me an apple as my overtime pay. It’s a real apple, I ate it. 同事摇了摇头。 你眉头一紧,但想想还是算了。不过,加班又要叫...
overtime allowance,加班补贴 例:No overtime allowance is our overtime allowance. 同事的眼中流露出了悲伤的眼光,摇了摇头。 你心中一紧,没加班费没加班补贴。
leave in lieu,调休 例:He will take tomorrow off for leave in lieu. 同事眼中含着泪光,抿着嘴唇,欲言又止。最终,他拍了拍你的肩膀,转过身去离开了。此时,你终于明白,为...