用the spitting image表达“一模一样”
如果你是某人的spitting image,意思就是你长的非常像这个人或和这个人长的一模一样。 John is the spitting image of his brother. I think they could be twins. She was the spitting image...
用bring someone back down to earth表达“从幻想中清醒过来
某事brings you back down to earth的意思就是这件事情使你从幻想中清醒过来,回到现实中。 I was dreaming of a safari holiday in Tanzania to see the elephants, the cheetahs, the hippos...
用the icing on the cake表达“锦上添花”
短语the icing on the cake“蛋糕上的糖衣”的意思是使一件原本己经很好的事物变得更好,锦上添花。 It is great to see my team in the final. And now I‘ve got tickets to watch the match...
用put your feet up表达“放松休息”
短语to put your feet up的意思是休息放松,尤其指把脚翘起来或搭在桌椅沙发上。 I like nothing better than putting my feet up after a hard day at work! You work so hard. Come on, sit ...
用two wheels are better than four表达“自行车比汽车好”
当一个人说two wheels are better than four的时候他的意思就是骑自行车比开汽车好。 If you want to get healthy, get out of your car and onto your bike; two wheels are better than four...
用with flying colours表达“出色地”
我们用短语with flying colours来形容某人轻松出色地完成某事,像测验或考试。 She passed her exams with flying colours! With all that practice, John will pass his driving test with fl...
用all the colours of the rainbow表达“五颜六色”
我们用短语all the colours of the rainbow来形容某物五颜六色、五彩缤纷。 Jane had some incredible clothes in her wardrobe; they were all the colours of the rainbow. We saw so many a...
用plenty more fish in the sea表达“天涯何处无芳草”
你可以用there are plenty more fish in the sea这个表达来描述可供选择的人或事还有很多,也就是我们常说的 “天涯何处无芳草”。这个表达常被用在谈论婚姻或感情关系破裂的语境中。 Mary was...
用to make a beeline for表达“直奔过去”
如果你make a beeline for某人或某物,就是说你径直的快速向某人或某物那里去,直奔过去。 As soon as the concert is over, we should make a beeline for the car, because I don‘t want to...
用get off your high horse表达“别那么趾高气扬”
我们可以对行为言语盛气凌人、趾高气扬、摆大架子的人说get off your high horse, get down off your high horse或come off your high horse。 Stop criticising everyone! You should get dow...