英语故事共197篇 第10页
Wat you could have been if you had an e mail-笑傲英语网

Wat you could have been if you had an e mail

Wat you could have been if you had an e mail  A jobless man applied for the position of ‘office boy‘ at Microsoft. The HR manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning ...
Conceited goose 自负的鹅-笑傲英语网

Conceited goose 自负的鹅

The feathers of a Goose put the newly-fallen snow to the blush. Proud of this dazzling gift of Nature, she considered herself intended for a Swan, rather than for that which she wa...
A mother‘s letter to the world in World War II-笑傲英语网

A mother‘s letter to the world in World War II

 A mother‘s letter to the world in World War II Dear World, My son starts school today. It‘s going to be strange and new to him for a while. And I wish you would sort of tr...
Who cheat? 底谁在欺骗谁?-笑傲英语网

Who cheat? 底谁在欺骗谁?

It was a small town with fantastic landscapes that attracted a wealth of the rich to live in it. But they were not living for long. The rich people would come to the town for one o...
Two monks, two kinds of attitude 两个和尚,两种态度-笑傲英语网

Two monks, two kinds of attitude 两个和尚,两种态度

Thus have I heard, the below poignant and hilarious accounts are based on actual concurrent incidents… The old abbot of a temple had a terrible toothache. So bad was it that it wa...
The ability of the Kangaroo袋鼠的能力-笑傲英语网

The ability of the Kangaroo袋鼠的能力

The ability of the Kangaroo The zoo built a special eight-foot-high enclosure for its newly acquired kangaroo, but the next morning the animal was found hopping around outside. T...
A touching friendship story happened in Vietnam-笑傲英语网

A touching friendship story happened in Vietnam

Little fox heart lunch 小狐狸精心准备的午餐-笑傲英语网

Little fox heart lunch 小狐狸精心准备的午餐

  Fox hummed as he poured lemonade into molds for ice pops. He had invited Bear for lunch. “Bear will be surprised,” Fox said to himself. “He doesn’t know what a great coo...
The Blind Man and the Lame Man 瞎子和瘸子-笑傲英语网

The Blind Man and the Lame Man 瞎子和瘸子

       A blind man, being stopped in a bad piece of road, met a Lame Man, and entreated him to help him out of the difficulty into which he had fallen. &nb...
a pale wall 一堵空白的墙-笑傲英语网

a pale wall 一堵空白的墙

    Never ever had he been so thirsty for a look at the world outside the window like now. The disease befell so furiously that he could not be spared and was arranged ...