英语故事共197篇 第13页
Pinocchio 木偶奇遇记-笑傲英语网

Pinocchio 木偶奇遇记

    Mastro Antonio was a carpenter. He had a red nose that looked like a cherry, so everyone called him Mastro Cherry. One day, Mastro Cherry was making a table. He found...
Five Peas 五颗小豌豆-笑傲英语网

Five Peas 五颗小豌豆

There are five peas in a bean pod. When they are mature, a small boy picks it and opens it. The small boy puts the first one into an air gun. 'Ping' …the pea is shot out. It say...
How to make $200000 in four days四天怎样赚20万美元-笑傲英语网

How to make $200000 in four days四天怎样赚20万美元

Comedian Louis CK said on Tuesday that he had taken in $500,000 in less than three days from selling his latest standup special directly to the public at $5 a pop. This should make...
Scholar and beggar状元与乞丐-笑傲英语网

Scholar and beggar状元与乞丐

          One day one of God’s messengers descended to the world and happened to meet an eminent monk who was telling fortunes for two boys...
A Coke And A Smile 可乐与微笑-笑傲英语网

A Coke And A Smile 可乐与微笑

I know now that the man who sat with me on the old wooden stairs that hot summer night over thirty-five years ago was not a tall man. But to a five-year-old, he was a giant. We sat...
The Squirrel And The Lion 松鼠和狮子-笑傲英语网

The Squirrel And The Lion 松鼠和狮子

A squirrel, merrily leaping on the branches of an oak tree, accidentally missed its hold and fell upon a lion who lay at the trunk, basking in the shade. His Majesty awoke in anger...
The Cracked Water Pot 有裂痕的罐子-笑傲英语网

The Cracked Water Pot 有裂痕的罐子

A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect...
The Swallow’s Words 燕子的忠告-笑傲英语网

The Swallow’s Words 燕子的忠告

  It happened that a country man was sowing some hemp seeds in a field where a Swallow and some other Birds were hopping about picking up their food. “Be ware of that man,”s...
If You Love Her Enough 只要你爱得够深-笑傲英语网

If You Love Her Enough 只要你爱得够深

My friend John always has something to tell me. He knows so much that young men have to have older and more worldly wise men to tell them. For instance who to trust, how to care fo...
只有一个人能限制你的发展 那就是你自己-笑傲英语网

只有一个人能限制你的发展 那就是你自己

    There was a big company located in St. Louis, Missouri. One day, after lunch, all the staff saw a poster beside the gate of the company. The poster read: “Yesterday ...