英语故事共197篇 第16页
The Loyal Dog 忠诚的小狗-笑傲英语网

The Loyal Dog 忠诚的小狗

'What shall I do,' said a very little dog one day to his mother, 'to show my gratitude to our good master, and make myself of some value to him? I cannot draw or carry burdens like...
There are no setbacks that we could not overcome-笑傲英语网

There are no setbacks that we could not overcome

Our tolerating ability is indeed way beyond our imagination. But not until the very critical moment will we realize our potential tolerating ability.   There was a woman in th...
Fence on the island孤岛上的围墙-笑傲英语网

Fence on the island孤岛上的围墙

In the remote southern seas there is a cluster of islands. The weather is fair, the land is fertile and the ocean is rich with fish. Each island is inhabited by a different race of...
The Scars of Love爱的伤疤-笑傲英语网

The Scars of Love爱的伤疤

Some years ago on a hot summer day in south Florida a little boy decided togo for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house.   In a hurry to dive into the cool water,h...
The friendship story of rubber and penci橡皮与铅笔的友情故事-笑傲英语网

The friendship story of rubber and penci橡皮与铅笔的友情故事

Pencil: You know, I‘m really sorry. Eraser: For what? You didn‘t do anything wrong. Pencil: I‘m sorry, cause you get hurt because of me. Whenever I make a mistake, you are alw...
luckless rabbits 倒霉的兔子-笑傲英语网

luckless rabbits 倒霉的兔子

Within the memory of the youngest child there was a family of rabbits who lived near a pack of wolves. The wolves announced that they did not like the way the rabbits were living. ...
Life at age twenty seven 27岁的人生-笑傲英语网

Life at age twenty seven 27岁的人生

Life at age twenty seven is nothing what I envisioned when I was a child. I imagined by age twenty seven I would be in a serious relationship border line marriage, owning my own pl...
A circle missed a wedge缺失一段的圆-笑傲英语网

A circle missed a wedge缺失一段的圆

  Once a circle missed a wedge. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only...
Everyone has an ideal, the success 理想每个人都有,成功每个人都要-笑傲英语网

Everyone has an ideal, the success 理想每个人都有,成功每个人都要

I have heard the story of such a religion. Once upon a time, there is a Health and leprosy patients, the disease nearly 40 years, has been lying on the roadside, he said, referri...
Only you can not be replaced in life 今生只有你不可取代-笑傲英语网

Only you can not be replaced in life 今生只有你不可取代

As a teenager,I felt I was always letting people down. I was rebellious1 out-side,but I wanted to be liked inside. Once I left home to hitch-hike2 to California with my friend...