唯美至极的英文版《白头吟》——愿得一人心 白
皑如山上雪, 皎若云间月。 闻君有两意, 故来相决绝。 今日斗酒会, 明旦沟水头。 躞蹀御沟止, 沟水东西流。 凄凄复凄凄, 嫁娶不须啼。 愿得一心人, 白头不...
1.cheap at twice the price 形容某个东西很便宜!! Remarkably or exceedingly inexpensive (as in, even if you doubled the price, it would still be a good value). 好便宜!就算这个...
The Thinker 思想者
The Thinker 《思想者》 Two boys were admiring the famous statue by Rodin entitled The Thinker. 两个男孩正在欣赏罗丹的著名雕塑《思想者》。 "What do you suppo...
八年级下册期末检测题 Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. The Internet is very useful because it can provide lots of i...
很多人有过这样的经验: 电话铃声响了,你拿起话筒:「XX公司,您好」,接着电话那一端一连串劈哩叭啦快速英文:… I got your number from your website. I'd like to speak to t...
“给你”不要直接用“give you”!地道表达学起来
当想用英语表达“给你”的时候,相信很多同学会脱口而出“give you”,其实这是典型的中式英语。 英语中,give you后面一般都要加上一个具体的东西...
。 早安英文 告别哑巴英语,从规范音标开始,点击下方专栏开始音标学习之旅,限时5折优惠 英语学习笔记: Thunderstorm ['θʌndərstɔːrm] n. 雷雨 Come ra...
我的生活被手机绑架了 I don't know when it first started. 我不知道这是从什么时候开始的。 I don't really talk to friends anymore. 我已经不再和朋友们进行真...
A Gentle Reminder 委婉的提醒
A Gentle Reminder 委婉的提醒 Having been married a long time, my husband sometimes needs a gentle reminder of a special occasion. 结婚很久了,丈夫现在有时需要我委...
Hi! It's your body here! Allow me to reintroduce myself. 嗨,我是你的身体! 允许我再自我介绍一下。 I'm the home that you've always lived in. Surely you remem...