Time was slower in the past, Carriage, horse, mail needs time a little bit. Even one greeting needs days to be passed. 从前的日光很慢, 车,马,邮件都慢, 一个问候,要等...
Dreams 梦想
There's a place where I go that no one else knows 有一个我去过的地方,无人知晓 Where mysteries abound and excitement grows 那里生长着茂密的神秘和兴奋 A place...
Fortuitousness 偶然
Fortuitousness 偶然 徐志摩经典诗歌 I am a cloud in the sky, 我是天空里的一片云, A chance shadow on the wave of your heart. 偶尔投影在你的波心 Don't...
Sea Fever 海之恋
Sea Fever 海之恋 "英国桂冠诗人"梅斯菲尔德 I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star t...
The Lost Mistress 失去的恋人
The Lost Mistress 失去的恋人 Robert Browning 罗伯特·勃朗宁 All's over, then: does truth sound bitter 那么,一切都过去了。 As one at first believes...
Song to Celia 致西莉亚
Song to Celia 致西莉亚 Ben Jonson 本·琼森 Drink to me only with thine eyes, 请用你的眼神为我祝酒, And I will pledge with mine; 我也用我的眼神为你干...
Walk with Me in Moonlight 月光行
Walk with Me in Moonlight 月光行 Leon Knight 里昂·耐特 Come, walk with me in moonlight 来吧,与我漫步在月光中。 We'll rejoice the close of day. ...
Love at First Sight 一见钟情
Love at First Sight 一见钟情 Wislawa Szymborska 维斯拉瓦·辛波丝卡 They both thought that a sudden feeling had united them. 他俩都认为一种陡然而起的感情...
Convergence of the Twain 合二为一
托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy),英国诗人、小说家。他是横跨两个世纪的作家,早期和中期的创作以小说为主,继承和发扬了维多利亚时代的文学传统;晚年以其出色的诗歌开拓了英国20世纪的文...
智慧之歌 Song of Wisdom