英语诗歌共195篇 第18页
 Sand Dunes 沙丘-笑傲英语网

Sand Dunes 沙丘

罗伯特·佛洛斯特(Robert Frost),20世纪美国最杰出的诗人,作品以朴素、深邃著称。他拥有四个普利策诗歌奖、44种名誉学位和种种荣誉。他徒步漫游过许多地方,被认为是“新英格兰的农民诗人...
I will never understand your feelings 你的心事我永远不懂-笑傲英语网

I will never understand your feelings 你的心事我永远不懂

When a guy is quiet, he‘s listening to you. When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running in her mind. When a guy stares at you, he thinks you are the most beautiful thing...
My Dream 我的梦想-笑傲英语网

My Dream 我的梦想

My Dream Upon a dream I sleep at night With two pillows by my side Into new worlds I always fly Under sea,over sky Speeding,soaring,gaining height Over mountains,faster flight ...
Oread 奥利特|山岳女神-笑傲英语网

Oread 奥利特|山岳女神

Whirl up, sea---- Whirl your pointed pines, Splash your great pines On our rocks, Hurl your green over us Cover us with your pools of fir.   翻译: 翻腾吧,大...
Let It Be Forgotten 忘掉它-笑傲英语网

Let It Be Forgotten 忘掉它

Let it be forgotten,as a flower is forgotten, Forgotten as a fire that once was singing gold. Let it be forgotten forever and ever, Time is a kind friend,he will make us old. If...
Parting at Morning  晨别-笑傲英语网

Parting at Morning 晨别

Parting at Morning   Round the cape of a sudden came the sea, And the sun look’d over the mountain’s rim: And straight was a path of gold for him, And the need of ...
Sea Fever 海之恋-笑傲英语网

Sea Fever 海之恋

  Sea Fever 海之恋 "英国桂冠诗人"梅斯菲尔德 I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star t...
You needed me 你需要我-笑傲英语网

You needed me 你需要我

I cried a tear You wiped it dry I was confused You cleared my mind   I sold my soul You bought it back for me And held me up And gave me dignity Somehow you needed me   ...
A Grain Of Sand 一粒沙子-笑傲英语网

A Grain Of Sand 一粒沙子

A Grain Of Sand  William Blake To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild fllower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. ...
Accompany with you 与你相伴-笑傲英语网

Accompany with you 与你相伴

If one day you feel like crying…… Call me. I don‘t promise that I will make you laugh, But I can cry with you. If one day you want to run away — Don‘t be afraid to ...